Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Age for monday and tuesday: 27. WOOT.

Breakfast this morning. Apple. (note to self, remember better breakfast tomorrow. I was HUNGRY by lunch)

I am definitely feeling better, and it's good to see the little weight numbers go down, but It doesn't feel like that big of a difference yet, at this point. just have to keep on working, though.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Friday's Wii Fit Age: 27 (woot.)

Saturday and Sunday: was running around like a crazy person at rehearsal, So I counted that as my excersise for the day (very effective, I was sore on sunday,  and I'm sore today. In places that I wasn't quite sure I could be sore. so... there's that.

Breakfast today: tea and an apple. I'm not feeling so hungry at all. and my throat is scratchy, 

But I kind of feel like going for a run. this is crazy, right? a side effect of becoming more active makes me want to be more active?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Update for Thursday 3/18:

Wii Fit age: 34
Weight: Down

Activities: more playing around, did the bike thing, which I didn't really enjoy.  Tried more of the Yoga poses, which was good, but doesn't really feel like working out.

Friday Breakfast: Granola bar.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Breakfast day 3: the breakfasting

So I'm playing around with what I'm eating for breakfast, so today I decided on protien. I had a piece of ham for breakfast and a cup of coffee.

It's nine thirty now, and I don't want to chew my arm off with hunger... so that's good!

Attempt to get up early to wii fit before work: fail. I will have to do it when I get home tonight.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I'm not a crotchety old lady today!


Okay, so I'm on day two of eating breakfast every day, and today I had a pear, but I am even MORE hungry than I would have been if I didn't have breakfast! What the friz is that?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the depressing beginning.

Today's wii fit age: 45
Up 9 pounds from the last time I used the fit (granted, it has been quite a while, but still, YIKES)

Bike, Hula, the bouncy number thing, boxing, and the chicken flapping arms deal.
Time: 40 minutes

Holy crap, my wii fit age is 45. I need to get that WAY DOWN.

Things that are annoying: Earl trying to attack my feet when wii fitting. Remedy: Spray bottle will commence tomorrow.

The Morning Excersise Problem

Does anyone else have this problem? I cannot make myself get up in the morning to excersise, I cannot make myself get up in the morning for anything, really, other than the requisite time it takes to shower and get dressed and run out the door.  I don't even manage to have breakfast at home, or do things like read, or watch the today show.

Even if I manage to be up, nothing is as alluring as another nine mintues on the snooze button.

So I had originally intended to do my wii-fitting this morning before work, but that didn't happen, So I'll have to do it tonight when I get home from work.

But! I know I said I was not making drastic changes to my diet during this first month, I am making one change: eating breakfast.  I forgo breakfast most mornings, and it turns me into a starving, raving lunatic by 11am. Then, after I've had lunch, I am  hungry for dinner super early too! So I'm trying out making a more concious effort to eat breakfast. This morning: steel cut oats.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Val gets FIT!

So I've had my Wii Fit for more than a year, and I definitely don't use it as much as I should.
I really like it, but the menu is clunky, and there's no real way to set up a workout without going to like six different menus. It's hard to get into the groove when you're constanly having to take three minute breaks to get to your next screen.
When I was home this weekend, my mom had gotten the Wii Fit Plus.  Along with additional games that use things like your flapping arms (harder than it looks!) and additional strentgth and core activities, and Balance activities, they have taken all of the issues I had with the Fit and fixed them. You can transfer players within the game (before you would have to back all the way out and then back in to change players)  and you can set up a workout that goes from one activity to the other.  I'm heading over to target to get my own. 
I've also set a goal for myself to do the wii for a half hour every day, and challenged my sister to do the same thing.  In order not to be so boring, I've made up this blog to track my progress (for myself mostly, but if anyone else cares to read you're welcome to it) and to keep myself accountable.